How To Stop Excited Shiba Inu Jumping (Complete Guide)

shiba inu jumping

I’m lucky because Faith, my Shiba Inu, loves meeting new people. The only problem is she gets crazy excited and starts jumping all over them.

Shiba Inus jump on people out of excitement. Excited jumping is seen as friendly, so most people give the jumping dog attention, which unfortunately reinforces the bad behavior. The best thing to do is train your dog to calmly sit or stand still and wait for the person to initiate the greeting.

That process of getting her to calm down and wait a moment, impulse control, was a bit of a struggle. But here’s what I’ve learned.

Understanding Why Your Shiba Inu Keeps Jumping

Dogs repeat actions that reward them with some kind of attention, play, or treat. Simple things like also getting excited, talking to them, waving your hands, petting them, making eye contact, or even pushing them away are seen as a reward, leading to their jumping becoming a habit.

Thankfully nearly every habit or behavior a dog has can be treated with consistent training. The big question is “how would you like your Shiba Inu to greet people?”. There are 2 main responses that people typically pick from:

Four On The Floor – focuses on having your Shiba be calm and on the ground, but still gives your pet a chance to initiate a greeting. While they aren’t set to sit in one spot until something happens they have the chance to calmly walk up to the person in question and request something from them. That could be pets, a “hello”, or a number of other things. But they have to keep all 4 paws on the floor.

Sit For Greetings – focuses on having your Shiba Inu calmly sit and wait for people to engage with them on their own terms. It gives that friend, relative, spouse, or stranger the choice to meet them or avoid them.

Before you start anything you need to decide which one you prefer. Each one has different steps I’ll be going into more detail, besides the first step.

This initial step of getting ahead of the behavior is critical regardless of the direction you would like to go. That being said, let’s break down the steps for each method starting with:

Four On The Floor

Step 1) Take control of the situation. The less control you have over your Shiba Inu, the more likely they are to act out and further ingrain this habit. You can do this by:

  • Put their leash on and keep them by your side.
  • Locking them in another room. Behind a door, baby gate, or in a play pen.
  • Putting them in their crate when company comes over.

Step 2) Make sure you have some treats, somebody your pet likes, and your Shiba on their leash.

Step 3) Sprinkle some treats on the floor, then while your pet is distracted have your helper calmly walk over to greet them, Finally have them away before your Shiba is done with their snack.

Step 4) Repeat steps 1-3 until your Shiba Inu is consistently calm while your helper both approaches and leaves. This may be quick of take a couple days, it depends on both you and your pet.

Step 5) Once you are satisfied with their progress we’re going to be giving your Shiba their treats after the greeting takes place, but they have to remain calm. Once they calmly greet your helper, they get their reward.

Step 6) When they are consistent with the above steps we’re going to start slowly reducing the number of treats we give them for each successful greeting. Gradually down to zero, so you don’t have to carry any around.

Sit For Greetings

Step 1) Take control of the situation. The less control you have over your Shiba Inu, the more likely they are to act out and further ingrain this habit. You can do this by:

  • Put their leash on and keep them by your side.
  • Locking them in another room. Behind a door, baby gate, or in a play pen.
  • Putting them in their crate when company comes over.

Step 2) Leash your Shiba Inu and tether them in place. That could be to a doorknob, a couch, a table, or any other piece of furniture. Then take several steps back.

Step 3) Ask your Shiba to “sit” then slowly and calmly approach them once they do so. Depending on what your pet does you will want to respond differently:

  • If they stand up – Turnaround and walk back to where you started and ask them to sit again.
  • If they stay seated – Quietly praise and reward them with attention.
  • If they continue to sit while being greeted – Continue giving them attention until they stand up, they turn around and walk back to your starting point and calmly ask them to sit again.

Step 4) As they become more consistent you can start making your greetings more exciting. This ramps up the difficulty and complexity for your pet. Follow corresponding points above depending on their actions.

Step 5) Once you are happy with their progress go back to step one with a helper and have them slowly work through the steps you did above.

Step 6) When satisfied, restart at step 1 with no leash and slowly work your way back through each step.

Managing Over Excitement

Most pets jump on people out of excitement, which usually gets rewarded, leading to their jumping becoming a staple of their everyday greeting. Properly managing your Shiba Inus excitement is key to tackling this issue.

The core issue isn’t the fact your Shiba Inu is getting excited, that’s exactly what you want, it’s a lack of impulse control. For pets you can relate a lack of impulse control to crossing the street. Where we would stop and look both ways your excited pet would just dash across the road.

The two best thing you can do for your Shiba Inu to help them with that are:

  • Consistent training
  • A regular workout routine

Consistent training will help you with breaking their train of thought and getting their attention. The regular workout routine, play, or walks helps burn the excess energy Shiba Inus are known for.

A tired Shiba is a happy Shiba, and are significantly more likely to slow down and listen. You can learn more about managing Shiba Inu over excitement here.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Get My Dog To Stop Jumping on People?

Train your Shiba Inu to respond to the “off” command with positive reinforcement to prevent jumping. Offer a treat when they step back and continue practicing until they associate the command with refraining from jumping. Don’t reinforce the jumping behavior by ignoring it.

Why Is My Dog Jumping Around Like Crazy?

Your Shiba Inu may be jumping around due to excess energy, excitement, or even anxiety. Ensure your dog receives enough physical and mental stimulation through daily walks and playtime. If the problem persists, it may be a sign of an underlying issue requiring veterinary attention.

How Do You Discipline A Shiba Inu?

It’s best to use positive reinforcement and redirection techniques. Rather than punishing unwanted actions, focus on rewarding good behavior. Avoid physical punishment or harsh scolding, as this can lead to fear or aggression. Instead, try using time-outs or removing privileges, like their favorite toy, to encourage proper behavior.

Why Are Shiba Inus So Dramatic?

Shiba Inus are famous for their dramatic reactions, often referred to as the “Shiba scream”. They usually make this sound when they are either highly excited or feeling uneasy. Additionally, these dogs can display their playful personalities with their amusing behavior. Although this is typical for the breed, it’s crucial to keep a close eye on their conduct and ensure it’s appropriate.

How Do I Stop My Shiba Inu From Being Aggressive?

To reduce your Shiba Inu’s aggressive behavior:

  • Socialize them early and regularly.
  • Enroll them in obedience training.
  • Use consistent training methods.
  • Manage their environment to avoid triggers.
  • Seek professional advice if needed.

Colby Adkins

I am a proud Shiba Inu owner who is just looking to share any tips, tricks, or advice I have to help others.

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